[10:03] Becca Moulliez: that's what im shaping
[10:03] Tasha Kostolany: wow and your doing that with the sculpt studio?
[10:04] Becca Moulliez: yes
[10:04] Becca Moulliez: unfinished obviously

[10:04] Tasha Kostolany: all one prim or keel is extra?
[10:04] Becca Moulliez: keel's extra
[10:04] Tasha Kostolany: I would love to see your sculpt thing
[10:04] Becca Moulliez: come over ill tp you
[10:06] Becca Moulliez: welcome :)
[10:07] Tasha Kostolany: so is this what made the shape you just showed me
[10:07] Becca Moulliez: yes
[10:07] Becca Moulliez: look

[10:07] Tasha Kostolany: hmmmmmm how can you tell what its going to look like
[10:08] Tasha Kostolany: oh with those balls
[10:09] Tasha Kostolany: ok so every layer you activate creates more balls and balls are prims
[10:09] Becca Moulliez: every slice is a section of a cylinder
[10:09] Tasha Kostolany: right
[10:09] Becca Moulliez: and each slice has 32 points
[10:09] Becca Moulliez: you need to edit only half of them since you mirror [the other side]
[10:10] Tasha Kostolany: so 32x32 = 1024

[10:10] Becca Moulliez: look here [i](Becca changes the position of the right side of the slice and the hits mirror from a menu window and the other side falls into place) [/i]
[10:10] Tasha Kostolany: oh wow
[10:10] Tasha Kostolany: this is pretty easy
[10:11] Tasha Kostolany: you tell it to mirror in a menu?
[10:11] Becca Moulliez: yea
[10:11] Becca Moulliez: here
[10:11] Tasha Kostolany: wow
[10:12] Becca Moulliez: okay
[10:12] Tasha Kostolany: so spacing between slices, it just understands?
[10:12] Becca Moulliez: yes
[10:12] Becca Moulliez: now a link will appear in chat
[10:12] Becca Moulliez: click on it
[10:12] Becca Moulliez: then preview
[10:13] Becca Moulliez: that's what we have :)
[10:13] Becca Moulliez: and if you click on map
[10:13] Becca Moulliez: you'll get your shape's texture ready
[10:13] Tasha Kostolany: what is a preview look like?
[10:14] Becca Moulliez: can you see the kink in chat?
[10:14] Becca Moulliez: Your result: (took 22.621190 seconds) [i](it took my computer a long time to load this-- you need to be the owner see it)[/i]

[10:14] Becca Moulliez: that's it
[10:14] Becca Moulliez: maybe is for owner only
[10:14] Tasha Kostolany: oh there it is
[10:17] Tasha Kostolany: so this is a lot better than I thought it was
[10:17] Becca Moulliez: not that difficult
[10:17] Becca Moulliez: only patience
[10:17] Becca Moulliez: :)
[10:17] Becca Moulliez: but looking at points you have a rough idea of the finished shape
[10:18] Tasha Kostolany: yeah exactly
[10:18] Becca Moulliez: i need only to close the bow
[10:18] Becca Moulliez: and then to make refinements
[10:18] Becca Moulliez: that's all
[10:19] Becca Moulliez: but think its pretty clear how is shaped

[10:19] Tasha Kostolany: so this is like 4,000L for the program?
[10:19] Becca Moulliez: 4,999
[10:20] Becca Moulliez: expensive
[10:20] Tasha Kostolany: $20 usd about
[10:20] Tasha Kostolany: yeah not cheap
[10:20] Tasha Kostolany: BUT if you build a lot
[10:20] Becca Moulliez: well i could not get those results in blender
[10:21] Becca Moulliez: my shape was all rough
[10:21] Becca Moulliez: i need a smooth surface
[10:21] Becca Moulliez: see there the Star?
[10:21] Tasha Kostolany: is there a way of making the slices simi transparent like 80%?
[10:21] Becca Moulliez: well yes i think so
[10:22] Becca Moulliez: but you don't need that
[10:22] Becca Moulliez: theres a menu
[10:22] Tasha Kostolany: because of preview?
[10:22] Becca Moulliez: guiding you
[10:22] Tasha Kostolany: oh
[10:22] Becca Moulliez: yeah that's all menu driven
[10:22] Becca Moulliez: you need only to edit the points
[10:22] Becca Moulliez: then the slice aligns back
[10:22] Becca Moulliez: pressing a button
[10:23] Tasha Kostolany: so the points start out along the outer ring of the circle?
[10:23] Becca Moulliez: yes
[10:23] Tasha Kostolany: /nodding
[10:23] Becca Moulliez: exactly
[10:23] Becca Moulliez: you start with a holed cylinder
[10:24] Becca Moulliez: you may shape practically everything
[10:24] Becca Moulliez: far easier than any application
[10:24] Tasha Kostolany: so can you have different spacing between slices?
[10:24] Becca Moulliez: yes
[10:24] Tasha Kostolany: :)
[10:24] Becca Moulliez: and there are many functions i have to explore
[10:24] Becca Moulliez: like smoothing etc etc
[10:25] Tasha Kostolany: right
[10:25] Tyler Stevenson is Online
[10:25] Becca Moulliez: theres a support group
[10:25] Becca Moulliez: and a huge site
[10:25] Becca Moulliez: with samples etc etc
[10:26] Tasha Kostolany: yeah I was in the support group in the past -- I almost bought this but then I went and watched someone building a motor bike engine and it looked complicated, then Manul sort of liked blender so I thought I would try that first
[10:26] Becca Moulliez: yes but once again i could not obtain a smooth shape in blender
[10:27] Becca Moulliez: just selecting a section in blender is a pain
[10:28] Becca Moulliez: and when you move something gets all rough
[10:28] Tasha Kostolany: well this makes a lot more sense then the bike engine I was looking at
[10:28] Becca Moulliez: well this is just the best thing i found to shape sculpties
[10:28] Becca Moulliez: but not the only one i mean
[10:29] Tasha Kostolany: I suppose you could take the sculptie texture back into blender to "paint" the image texture
[10:29] Becca Moulliez: yes
[10:29] Becca Moulliez: sure
[10:29] Becca Moulliez: its a generic tga
[10:31] Becca Moulliez: This needs refinements
[10:32] Becca Moulliez: but not that much actually
[10:32] Becca Moulliez: bigger boats may need multiple shapes
[10:32] Tasha Kostolany: right
[10:32] Tasha Kostolany: which wouldn't be difficult really
[10:32] Becca Moulliez: the 44 ive seen last night was composed of about 8 parts
[10:32] Becca Moulliez: yeah
[10:33] Tasha Kostolany: the 44 I think is not sculpties
[10:33] Tasha Kostolany: I might be wrong
[10:33] Becca Moulliez: but you may rezz as many studios you need
[10:34] Becca Moulliez: see this is a new studio
[10:35] Becca Moulliez: this is a fresh new one

[10:36] Tasha Kostolany: so can you tell it how tall and wide you want it to be to start?
[10:36] Becca Moulliez: yes
[10:36] Tasha Kostolany: is it free updates?
[10:36] Becca Moulliez: yeah
[10:37] Tasha Kostolany: I should take pictures of this and put it on the blog
[10:37] Becca Moulliez: okay :)
[10:54] Tasha Kostolany: so is it different because of the way you have stretched the prim ?
[10:54] Becca Moulliez: yes sure
[10:54] Becca Moulliez: plus this is a sphere

[10:59] Becca Moulliez: that's hows the actual shape
[10:59] Tasha Kostolany: so that -- the yellow is really it then ?
[10:59] Becca Moulliez: yeah
[10:59] Becca Moulliez: ill smooth each slice

[11:04] Becca Moulliez: and you may auto-adjust each slice
[11:04] Becca Moulliez: i still have to learn it lol
[11:05] Tasha Kostolany: how long have you been working with this?
[11:05] Becca Moulliez: 3 days 3 hours total :)
[11:05] Tasha Kostolany: :) that's pretty exact
[11:05] Becca Moulliez: so ... i guess i can do much better :)
[11:06] Becca Moulliez: but if you look closely even the fizz and the shelly are far from perfect
[11:06] Tasha Kostolany: yeah
[11:06] Becca Moulliez: i dunno where Mothgirl got her shapes but i got the impression she didn't have a big knowledge at the time
[11:07] Tasha Kostolany: they cover up the (I don;t know what you call it) the mold point with regular prims
[11:07] Becca Moulliez: okay
[11:07] Becca Moulliez: well the Fizz is composed of 4 shapes
[11:08] Becca Moulliez: the hull only
[11:08] Tasha Kostolany: right the back stern is a standard prim as well as the bow point

[11:08] Becca Moulliez: yeah
[11:08] Becca Moulliez: that's what i think you have to do
[11:09] Tasha Kostolany: its hiding those crinkled mold points
[11:09] Becca Moulliez: yeah
[11:10] Becca Moulliez: but once again i have the impression that Mothgirl got some help
[11:10] Becca Moulliez: you dont realize thats a mix
[11:11] Becca Moulliez: of sculpts and prims
[11:12] Tasha Kostolany: no I think she did it all herself, however she just told me recently that Alan just made her a 1 prim hull for the fizz but Mothgirl said although its excellent, it might make customizing the paint jobs very difficult for most people
[11:12] Tasha Kostolany: thanks becca I'll get this all on the net
[11:12] Becca Moulliez: yw :)
[11:12] Becca Moulliez: laters :)