Father of SL Sailing -- Kanker Greenacre
Saturday, May 23m 2009
11:30 am slt Grand Sail in the Tako from Tradewinds Yacht Club
12:00 noon – 1:00 pm Live DJ Dance, Beach Party
Go visit his land and grab a free Tako or the great Tako 3.2
-- Show off your best skin Tako
-- Kanker Greenacre look alike contest
-- Go visit the SL Sailing History Museum.
Today is Kanker Greenacre’s rezz day and we wish to celebrate this – our founders day -- although our party will be next Saturday.
Kanker Greenacre, is the father of SL sailing. He was born 5/16/2003 and it was Kanker who came up with the idea of making a sailboat that would work off of SL wind. He then created the first ever group dedicated to SL sailing – the SLSF
Certainly someone would have come up with the notion of trying to use the Second Life platform as a simulation for sailing at some point along the continuum of time, but Kanker was so far ahead of everyone – miles and miles ahead – there is NO question that we wouldn’t be even remotely close to where we are now without him.
EVERYTHING points to Kanker’s script – the Tako and the excitement that grew up around that and that alone.
There would be no Blake Sea without Kanker. There would be no USS, No Sailors Cove, No Second Life New England, , no SLSF and this forum board, Of the clubs there would be no Starbaord Yacht Club, no Mowry Bay Yacht Club, no German clubs, no French clubs, no Japanese clubs. Hell, Linden Labs wouldn’t be putting one sim wide ocean around their new cotenants now if there wasn’t a HUGE vibrant community of people involved with boating.
Kanker didn’t do any of those himself, wasn’t materially evolved in any of it, but the community that grew up around sailing did so because of the excitement and enjoyment that flowed from Kanker’s Tako script all of which set in motion and fostered an environment that all of these other creative people came up with.
Mothgirl Dibou’s Fizz and, Jacqueline Trudeau myriad of gorgeous boats both of which are very un-tako like in many ways -- both of these people were HEAVILY influenced on the foundation and excitement around Kanker’s boat. Jacq I’m sure will tell you (and has told us) that she really grew up and learned from Kanker’s script.

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