For Info contact Tasha Kostolany
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Fizz Boat Builder Kit can be purchased for 1L at the TYC Boat Store
With the release of the Boat Builders Kit (powered by the script Fizz engine) NOW anyone that can work with prims and textures can build their own boat around such an advanced Kernel of cool scripts, using the stunning Fizz 3 engine. Now many people can achieve a sailboat which is full of technical progress, and state of the art scripts.
We want to celebrate this WONDERFUL advancement in letting people create boats in SL and the incredible versatility of the script engine to adapt itself to any size and type boat
Each month on the 15th for a few days, we will hold a progress show where each entered contestant will display their boat they are working on and ribbons will be given out in each class and each division for
Best Looking low prim boat (32 prims and under)
Best looking attached wearable boat (over 32 prims)
Most Accurate working boat based on Class from real life
Best Over All – First month (first time entry)
Best Over All – Improved (ribbon will be given starting month 2 and based on improvement from the previous month)

There will be two divisions that people can work from
A) Building from scratch using the Fizz Kit and its derivative components. The builder / participant is expected that all additional prims (not in the kit) are created by themselves . No outside purchased hulls shapes or sails are allowed. The textures used are either made by themselves or are open sourced full perm textures available to all boat builders (not purchased textures). This is for the advanced boat modeler.
B) Adapting and "tricking out" a boat. Here we want to see people take parts of other boats or purchased parts and combine their own creativity to come up with some amazing creations
Classifications that builders can enter in, either adapting or building from scratch
"Gaff Rigged/Workboats"
If you go the attached prim route no boats over 256 prims
The whole idea is to get an environment where people aren't afraid to start and works in progress are encouraged.
Need a place to work on yor boat? Come to Tradewinds where all sailors are welcome to work on their boats, just clean up after yourself and be kind. In fact we would LOVE to see you working on your boats with us and other builders
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